Sunday, May 10, 2009

The art of Story telling: La naissance du blog bilingue

Trop de personnes m'ont recemment d'ecrire aussi en Anglais sur mon blog donc je vais integrer quelques textes en Anglais. J'essairai de les traduire, si ils ne sont pas trop long!

Quite a few people have asked me to add some English texts to my blog so I will slowly turn this blog into a bilingual one.
Here is the first text.

May 10th 2009.

They are times when you sit and feel perfectly at peace with yourself. I just had one of those, when I was waiting for my train back to France and I started wondering.

What makes you realize that everything feels absolutly right? What makes you feel that you have put yourself in the right place?
Is it in the harmony of a sound? Is is it in the soft images of a hand written letter? Is it in the meaning behind an allegory?

Storytelling and it's concept is what makes my heart leap out in excitement. Anytime I concentrate on the emotions that can be conveyed through the medium of art, I feel centered with all the energies of the world.
It can be in performing: bringing tears out of a character whose skin we are carrying that day, discovering his emotions and pushing them out to interpret them to the world, so that this world can empathize and find themselves in our story.
It could also be in the curve of the paint brush, that one little stroke which supports the movement, the message and the meaning of a colour.
For some it can even be in the vibration of a vocal cord, the trembling of the air passing through a body and returning to the world as a melody that resonates in all of our lives.

I like to embrace the idea of story telling in it's every form, in it's every shape, and it feels like it embraces me just as I do.
The closer I hold it, the stronger it gets and the more indestructible I feel.
My eternal lover lies in a bed of words, colors and sounds.

If I didn't know the powers of Love, I would say that nothing else in this word can make me feel more like I am on the right path to accomplishing the greatest achievement.

But understanding the power of love is a whole different adventure, which can be much more overwhelming and uplifting than any words could ever describe. And being able to express the true words, colours and sounds of such a feeling requires an absolute mastership.

But I will admit, it is probably one of the most amazing mysteries I have ever encountered.