Saturday, April 3, 2010

Resuscitation Pascale.

Et voila une résolution pas vraiment tenue! Ecrire toutes les semaines, et garder la trace de mon progrès ? Que nenni ! Enfin peut être que c’est que le progrès, bien que toujours en développement se fait plus long que prévu. Mais je ne vais pas me laisser avoir, parce qu’au bout du chemin, je sais ce qu’il m’attends !
D’ailleurs, ces deux dernières semaines, je me suis rendue compte que je m’éloignai du but et me suis remise à réorganiser mes priorités. Je suis toujours plus guidée dans ces moments la. Rencontres et sorties propices, moments d’espoirs relevés, me voilà prête a accepter un signe. Et arrive cet email : Recherche Producteurs pour mission caritative en Asie ou Afrique. Abe et moi sommes en train de préparer nos applications avec tous nos doigts croisés, même ceux des pieds, nos yeux rivés vers le ciel en prière constante. Cette entrée de blog est assez religieuse on dirait ? Mais bon, c’est Pacques après tout… et cette fois, c’est mon espoir de réussite et de changer le monde qui se ressuscite.
Bonnes Fêtes a tous !

Falling in Love

This poem is touching more on my surrealist work and will be the poem over one of the next short videos I will be making with my team!
This will be read in voice over as dancers will dance on the music and beat of the poem, representing the movement the mind and heart go through when one falls in love.
I hope to put this into production by the end of April, before flying off to Spain.

I rise and fall,
I fly and stumble,
Light as led,
Heavy as air

Caught in the eye of the cyclone
Sitting proud on my throne

There is nothing to be done
It still may come undone

Life is nothing but trouble
Love is all and humble

I watch you tremble
You see me assemble

The peace of your head
The pieces of my mind

Melted and forged

Like a flowing river
sliding down the hills of fever

gently falling on cotton fields,

clouds of warmth
towers of refuge
elation and strength .

By Fiona Cross

Caught in a feeling.

What can I say, being in love makes me want to write my heart out, to express those feelings endlessly in whatever form.
I want the world to see how amazing it feels. This is a poem or song lyrics I wrote for my man a while ago now.

PS: art work to follow

I’m stuck in a feeling,
Caught in a trance,
I’ve stopped breathing
And am locked in your glance.

The people around us
Are slowly fading out,
Blending smoothly into the hazyness of the night.

The music merges into me
I can no longer make the difference
Between the beats of my heart and the beats of drums.

I’m stuck in a feeling
Lost in our dance
Feels like I’m falling,
Held up by chance.

They’ve all disappeared
Only you’ve remained,
But the closer you get, the stronger the fear

I’ve waited so long
To be held in your arms
Something this strong could never go wrong.

I’m stuck in a feeling
Caught in a chance
Dancing on the ceiling
Yet frozen in your glance

There’s no way out now;
I’m melting in the embrace
ushered into a place
where we vanish without a trace.

I am nothing but a bare soul

To Abraham,
with love.

I feel my heart stopping
My eyes closing
My breath slowing
until my body loses it every ache
It’s every strings
It’s every thing
And I am nothing but a bare soul
Shinning next to yours.
And I am nothing but a bare soul
Shinning next to yours.

But then you are gone again,
And my world looses its dimensions
Reflecting on me only it’s pain.

Life digs it’s shallowness back into my days
And I wander aimlessly between the hours and the days
That separate me from that one smile which will make my life worthwhile.

I feel my heart stopping
My eyes closing
My breath slowing
until my body loses it every ache
It’s every strings
It’s every thing
And I am nothing but a bare soul
Shinning next to yours.
And I am nothing but a bare soul
Shinning next to yours