Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Because we all have them

We all have them.
Moments of doubts, moments of fear, moments of anger, moments of madness.
Or moments of laughter, moments of happiness, moments of bliss, moments of pride.
Whatever they are, they are best not to be lived alone. Share them with someone and the pained will be halved, or the happiness doubled. Open up yourself to the ones your love and trust. They are part of who you are, they make you more real, and in touch with your inner self. Hiding them to appear stronger will weaken you more than anything, putting a veil on an issue does not make it disappear.
Don’t force it. The first step is to realise that you are holding back. Find the moments in your day when you feel you could have said something but didn’t. If it’s still accurate to do so, then bring those thoughts back up later. Slowly those realisations will become closer to the moment, and soon it will be seconds between the thought and it’s expression. Just stay connected.
It’s a long process to master, but be it career or on a personal level, expressing your true self is what will take you further in life, rather than baring the mask of the one you wish to be. The stronger one, the funnier one, the darker one. Bas les masques is what I would say in French. Live with what you have been given and make those qualities stronger, turn them into your shield. They are a gift from God, and it’s now in your hands to master them.

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