Monday, June 22, 2009

Poésies dans mon âme.

You dress my soul with silk.
The crystal of a million stars
Glistens as I listen.
To the words whispered in my heart,
There is no other truth.

You dress my heart with gold.
Crowned by tenderness,
It roams free in a world of tales untold.
Ruby raspberries and opal tears,
Shape this indescribable bliss.

Forever I will hold you,
In the smile you have kissed onto my lips.
Forever I will dress you,
In the radiant beam you have inspired me.

By Fiona Cross

Poésies dans mon âme.

Three hundred ladybirds, crawling up my sleeve.
The sun skips a beat,
and my heart smiles at ease.
Long last the river
of what we will achieve.
Cherries blossom and the night is green.
Three hundred ladybirds, crawling up my sleeve.

By Fiona Cross.